Lead staff and their teams can begin to use reablement techniques that help people maximise their independence. Care and support practices become more effective from both the standpoint of outcomes for the person and using staff resources.
Participants: Care Home Owners, managers, lead staff and trainers
Learning method: This is an action based course where attendees will be able explore current knowledge, skillsand attitudes to re-ablement, unravel issues and problems in re-ablement , raise questions, share ideas and identify actions to take ideas and solutions forward.
Learning outcomes: participants will be able to:
1. List the different elements that influence progress and people’s experience of re-ablement.
2. Outline a number of different conditions affecting a person’s abilities where re-ablement could achieve positive outcomes for the person.
3. Describe how to set achievable re-ablement goals.
4. Describe how to assess risk for each individual and construct risk enablement plans.
5. Share reflections on current practices and service provision in the environment in which they work.
6. Identify changes in practice, associated learning needs of staff and managers, and resources required to deliver re-ablement objectives.