On a recent visit to Sweden I was invited to participate in a community event with residents, staff and families to an international feast - a Valkommen!
Read moreA FIRST IN SURREY…. Cranleigh joins in
People attended felt they enjoyed learning how to interact with empathy to someone with Dementia. Some had no personal experience but learnt about the need to look at the underlying feelings with learning Strategies and hearing about other experiences from within the community group from Cranleigh.
Read moreHuman Factor Validation
Julia Pitkin and I will be delivering the first course of its kind in the UK in January. We believe this course will help people to find more creative ways of working with the person who has dementia with their involvement. It will provide much greater job satisfaction through new insights, knowledge and skills -learning new behaviours. Behaviour we see in others living with dementia which was once labelled ‘problematic’ can be reframed in positive ways.
Read moreRemember me- Michael Palin on care homes or your own home?
MP says older people should remain in their own homes. Surely people need more options than this when they don’t want to be lonely or be anxious about maintaining a property - We need a graduated pathway that does not necessarily fall in the ‘care home’ category.
Read moreChasing an elusive dream – in denial or outright hypocricy?
Let’s get real. Where are the volunteers, sons and daughters and neighbours when good will of neighbours and pop in visits become inadequate?
Read moreFrailty
There is definitely a ‘frailness syndrome’ which we ought not to delete from our language of understanding of what is going on for a person who has it. I can’t say I’ve ever associated it with the end stage of life i.e. dying per se.
Read moreEnd of Life and Dementia
My journey over 10 years with my mother who was living with dementia in a care home has been an experiential roller coaster of learning from ‘the other side of the fence’. Having spent over 20 years of my working life in care homes we found ourselves unexpectedly consumers of the care home sector, first with my father who had multi-infarct dementia and then my mother who had a combination of both vascular and the Alzheimer’s type of dementia.
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