Managers and those in leadership roles are able to provide the support staff need to fulfil their responsibilities to the Person and their relatives in person centred ways. Staff are motivated and feel valued. Managers are more effective in achieving their objectives, sickness levels reduce, recruitment and retention improve, efficiency savings accrue.
Participants: managers and staff responsible for directing, supervising, mentoring, coaching and training staff inin providing care and support to the person using services.
Learning outcomes: participants will be able to:
1. List key factors that can make working with older people fulfilling from the staff point of view taking account of the resident’s perspective.
2. Describe the main factors that promote or prevent staff’s ability to deliver enhanced to the resident beyond the solely physically tasks of caring.
3. Outline the ways in which managers and lead staff promote or inhibit staff in acquiring and implementing knowledge, skills and behaviours that are responsive to the resident’s needs, abilities and preferences taking account of the resident’s perspective.
4. Describe the factors that promote or inhibit staff feeling valued as integrated members of the whole caring team and community of the Home
5. Identify a learning need and agree an action plan with a timescale for completion
360 Forward courses and the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF): a perfect fit. Intermediate courses are designed to be responsive to employers and individual staff needs. In line with the QCF each course contains learning outcomes and assessment criteria.